1. With a smile, he asked his friend, "What did the bear tell you when he put his nose so close to your ears?" 他笑嘻嘻地问他朋友:“熊把鼻子凑到你耳朵旁,跟你说了些什么?”
2. When he came staggering out of the garden, blood was running from his nose and mouth. 当他从园里摇摇晃晃走出来时,鼻子和嘴里流着血。
3. We gave him fluids for the first two weeks and then fed him through a tube which passed through his nose into his stomach. 头两个礼拜我们给他输液,后来又通过一根导管将食物从他的鼻子输送到他的胃里。
4. The elephant´s nose is very long. 大象的鼻子很长.
5. They used to suffer for about 37 hours after surgery on average with a plastic tube as thick as a thumb running through their mouth or nose and down 11 inches of their throat. 过去,手术后病人平均要疼大约37个小时,一根拇指粗细的塑料导管经口腔或鼻腔插入喉咙,深至11英寸。
6. He blew his nose in his handkerchief. 他用手帕擤鼻子。
7. And unfortunately, he looked much younger with his curly red hair, smooth pale skin, and the splash of orange freckles across his nose. 更糟的是, 由于他那头红色的鬈发、光洁白晰的皮肤以及鼻子两边一片桔黄色的雀斑, 他看上去比我年轻了很多。
8. As I stand there, the smell hits my nose, and I close my eyes as I remember the smell of decay from past experience. 我站在那里,一股怪味刺激着我的鼻子,我想起了过去闻到过的腐烂的气味,我闭上了眼睛。
9. "An agreement is stuck under somebody's nose on the day of the wedding — and it's usually a 'she' — and she signs, but doesn't even read it." "婚礼那天,某人——通常是'她'——面前突然出现了一份协议,于是,她看都没看一眼就签了字。"